27-29 may 2019. Exhibition at the Roetz Fairfactory. Seven paintings. 

 1-march-1 july 2020. Solo exhibition for three months in a showroom of the Jumbo Gallery, Landsmeer. First with 8 paintings. Later with 6 paintings. 

11-16 july 2018. Group exhibition at Gallery de Garage, Rotterdam. Together with 40 other artists. Contribution with one painting and one photocollage. 

26-28 may 2018. Solo exhibition Open Studio Amsterdam Noord. Six paintings 

18-23 december 2017. Group exhibition at Studio Wandschappen, Rotterdam. Together with five other artists. Six paintings. 

20 july-18 august 2017.  Solo Exhibition at the Faketory, Amsterdam. Four paintings  

1 may -30 may 2016. Solo Exhibition at Artiance Alkmaar. Three paintings and two photocollages.  

14 august - 17 september 2016. Solo Exhibition at Beursgebouw Eindhoven. Five paintings. 
15 june-20 june 2016. Group Exhibition Loods 6. Self portrait with 30 different artists.